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DMD Digital Medical Data

What is DMD?

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Digital Medical Data

Medicine & Engineering together

It is a card-type USB storage device that has included Software in which your accurate and relevant medical data will be compiled, creating a Portable Medical History whose function is to provide the greatest amount of medical data in the shortest time possible thanks to its agile and visually friendly format in English and Spanish.

It includes the following information: Allergies, blood type, treatments, surgeries, hospitalizations, emergency contacts. Radiodiagnosis images: X-rays, tomography, magnetic resonance.
Videos of Medical Procedures: Endoscopy, colonoscopy, laparoscopic surgery, etc.
All types of laboratory reports: Including reports of pap smears and mammograms and all types of pacemakers.

This is a very useful computer tool for our clients, patients and all the medical personnel involved in the health area, it is of vital importance to have digitized medical information for any trip, visit to the doctor or in a medical emergency, this one device will speak for you, showing accurate medical information in Mexico or abroad.


Medicine & Engineering together

We are a Multidisciplinary Team Focused on Developing Technological Innovations applied to the health area in the Digitalization of all kinds of medical data.

This idea comes from Dr. Gpe. Miguel Franco Especialized in Family Medicine, who saw the need to Digitally Integrate a Global Medical History of our patients and clients in the current reality of a multifragmented patient by the sub specialization that limits the accessibility of their services according to age, sex, and/or diagnosis, leaving the patient at a disadvantage if he or she does not have a primary treating physician and does not have an accessible and Global Medical History.

Being the first contact doctors who have the clinical competence in all areas of medicine and the responsibility to provide comprehensive care and monitoring of all types of patients, this way the creation of this type of device and digital platform arises.

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Process- Workflow


The patient meets with the doctor, a clinical history is made gathering and classifying the studies and documentation of the patient.


Digitization and uploading data to your device.


Device ready to display your medical history.

Stay in Touch

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